So I love my husband more than anything but some times I wonder about his chosen career field. I'm not sure how other PDs are but Lawrence KS is really starting to "suck". So we have crappy insurance but according to all of the people my husband works with our insurance is great. BUT, for our previous insurance from my husbands old job we only had to pay $250 for our entire pregnancy (all prenatal visits and the entire labor and delivery). So now we have an $800 deductible before the company even pays 80%. Anyway, so the whole point is that I need to vent because Josh just had a training meeting and found out that the RETARDED city counsel thinks that the police force needs to have less benefits and no raises because the city can't afford it. All because they think other things are more important like the city counsels personal assistant. So I guess Josh will be looking into other police forces and possibly working somewhere other than Lawrence. Josh really likes the people he works with but what kind of DUMB city thinks that the PD is the place to do your budget cuts. PLEASE, Lets Just SEND our husband, wives, sons, and daughters into an active shooter situation with just a sling gun, no bullets, no bullet proof vest. So if you can't tell this really makes me ANGRY. You would think that people would have more respect for what the police do for us.
Cara Membuat Ayam Goreng Kemangi
8 years ago
I for one, hear and sympathize with your complaints!! We LOVE our benefits and the pay but we don't like the agency! We have the best insurance I think available in Idaho, the whole baby this time around is costing $200, all prenatal, and then my hospital stay is another $200. SOO nice compared to last time, but we are on managed care this time instead of the preferred plan or whatever. BUT the agency has a big head, blah blah, doesn't have good PR, or treat the officers well personally. Financially great, but it is kinda a hostile work it's all in what you can handle, and which trade offs are worth it. Personally, we'll stick around as little as we have to, have kids while it's cheap, then take off to the midwest and hopefully have a great comradeship with the agency. I feel for ya! Good luck looking around!
That stinks! Of all the city workers out there the PD should be treated well above the rest. I mean they're public servants that protect us! What is this world coming to? I hope they don't make any major cuts and if so, then good luck finding a different city to work for.
Cute picture too :o)
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