Okay for all you moms out there...what do I do. My child use to be a great sleeper. We did our short nap time routine and then she would lay down, close her eyes and be asleep for 2 hours...and then at night we would do our similar but longer routine and then she would again close her eyes and go right to sleep and sleep for 9-10 hours...WELL NOW MY WORLD HAS CHANGED :( Sara throws and hour and a half long fit each day at nap time. I've tried every thing I can think of with out giving in and letting her go without a nap. I remind her of the routine: we get the diaper changed, we sit in the rocking chair, mommy sings "I'm a child of God" while Sara drinks her cup of milk, when the song is over we turn on the fan and her music (soft classical cd), then I put her in her bed give her a kiss and cover her up. I leave the room and the minute I shut the door she starts wailing. I let her cry for 10 minutes and then go in and check on her....STILL AWAKE. I tell her it is time to go to sleep..she begs to be held or rocked..."mommy no...mommy rock...mommy hold me...peez(please)" This breaks my heart. And so this goes on for an hour and a half until I'm not sure what happens she just decides she isn't going to get what she wants so she goes to bed. I have tried putting her down earlier and later than the scheduled 12 noon nap. It doesn't matter what time I put her in bed she wont fall asleep for an hour and a half.
THEN at 8PM we do it all over again. At least at night it is pitch dark so she normally only lasts about 30 minutes before she falls alseep because she cant see anything.
On top of all of this I cant do anything with out her wanting to be held. I love to hold my baby but I watch 5 other kids during the day and I have to cook and clean and go to the bathroom. Any task I have to do that I cant hold her or when I choose not to hold her she falls to the ground screaming "mommy hold me" or even better she grabs my leg and wont let go so I have to drag her around with me all the while she is screaming to be held.
Someone please tell me this is a phase that will only last a couple of months and not until she is three. The girls hasn't even had her second birthday yet.
Terrible two's just got worse and it might be the death of me or enough to drive me insane. I love me child but I hope my sweet toddler returns soon.
Oh...and the picture is of her putting her bowl on her head after she finished her snack.
1 comment:
I say let her go without a nap!! Both my kids quit taking daily naps at about 18 months. They just won't go to sleep. So don't fight her on it, all you'll do is stress both of you out. Maybe then at night she'll sleep better, or even go to bed earlier!! I even purposefully don't put my barely 2 yr old down for nap so that he'll go to bed earlier at night, or even sleep in the next morning. There's nothing wrong with that. Another thing you can try is instead of nap time, just make her have "quiet time". Do your nap time routine, but put her in the room with some books, or quiet toys, and as long as she's playing quietly by herself for a section of time, (30 min or so to 2 hours) call it good, and let her out. Quiet time when there are no more naps is a sanity saver for both mom and child. Sorry you're losing your predictable routine with your no-longer baby! I wouldn't count on it being a phase for a few months then things returning to normal, though it might, but don't count on it! Good luck and just don't fight on it if it's not worth it! If she's tired, she'll sleep.
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