So I took a mini vaca (2 days) for my birthday and Josh and I took Sara to the KC Zoo. This was Sara's very first time to go to the Zoo. I know she is almost 2 but we didn't see the point taking her before she could actually enjoy it. She really liked it for the most part. She actually got head butted by a sheep in the petting zoo area...which freaked her out and thankfully Josh was right next to her so she didn't actually get knocked down. She is use to the sheep at the petting zoo near our house so she didn't think they would try to knock her down. She did yell, "NO SHEEP" while shaking her finger at the sheep. So once that was over she was fine again and loving the zoo. AND THEN....while she was eating her goldfish off her stroller tray a goose came up and decided that it wanted a goldfish. So the goose preceeded to snatch the goldfish out of Sara's fingers and in the process bite Sara. It did make her bleed but it certainly scared her enough that she couldn't crawl up the seat of the stroller into my arms fast enough. SO I was pretty certain that are child would hate animals forever, BUT after a few minutes she was better and wanted to see more animals. She did really well and the weather was beautiful. I was amazed that she only got upset those two times and it was well past her nap by the time we left the zoo. So I think that her first trip to the zoo was a success and we are planning to go again soon.
Cara Membuat Ayam Goreng Kemangi
8 years ago