Here are the rules:
1. Post the rules on your blog.
2. Answer the six "8" items.
3. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website. (or you can be lazy like me and if people decide to read your blog, you can let them find out on their own....)
8 Favorite TV Shows:
1. CSI: Miami
2. CSI: New York
3. CSI: Las Vegas (this was my number 1 until Grishom left the show:()
4. Eleventh Hour
5. Grey's Anatomy
6. The Unit
7. CSI: Criminal Intent
8. The Cosby Show
8 Things I did Yesterday:8 Favorite TV Shows:
1. CSI: Miami
2. CSI: New York
3. CSI: Las Vegas (this was my number 1 until Grishom left the show:()
4. Eleventh Hour
5. Grey's Anatomy
6. The Unit
7. CSI: Criminal Intent
8. The Cosby Show
1. Went to church
2. Took a 2 hour nap
3. Watch Snow Buddies with Sara
4. Tried to let my friends dogs out but all the doors were locked:(
5. Made chicken nuggets for dinner
6. Watched Cold Case
7. Went to bed at 9pm
8. woke up at 1 when Josh got home from work...not happy to be woken up
8 Things I Look Forward To:
1. Figuring out what we are going to do about a where...and when...
2. Being in shape. ( I agree with Shelly)
3. Sara being potty trained...somedays she does great, other days she wants nothing to do with it
4. Knowing what to do to stay within my daycare numbers
5. Josh working day shift...even if for just 3 months...change is nice
6. Attending the temple
7. Living in a small town again
8. Warm weather
8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Jose Peppers
2. Mi Ranchito
3. La Fiesta (Mcpherson, Ks)
4. Red Lobster...Josh hates it so I have to go with my mom:)
5. Garfield's (The Joplin, Mo Mall)
6. Chinese Food...Josh hates it so I don't go no particular favorite
7. Fazoli's
8. Cold Stone Creamery...I know it isn't a restaurant but it is SOOOO Good
8 Things on My Wish List:
1. A new, bigger house
2. more self do my work out
3. a good workout program/diet plan that is not so time consuming...30 minutes max a day...suggestions welcome
4. Nice bedroom furniture
5. A tropical vacation (again agreeing with Shelly)
6. A debt-free life. (again agreeing with Shelly)
7. A masters in Social Work
8. a nice massage...once a month
Shelly Claybrook...I mean Schloegel...I'm sure I butchered her last name. She added this list so I'm continuing with it
8 Things I'd have a hard time living without.
1. Clorox Wipes. I couldn't do daycare with out them.

3. A microwave
4. my phone...helps me stay in touch with my hubby when he works nights
5. Strawberry and Chocolate milk mix...I wont drink milk without it
7. My sleep number bed
8. My new 300 count Egyptian cotten sheets
8 people I tag to do this too.
1. Natalie Kehr
2. Analla Compton
3.Adah Shumway
4. Emilie Peterson
5. Tanya Murray
6. Emily Allphin
7. Quinci Menssen