I just remembered a funny story...
Sara has a very strong fondness for the lovable, furry, monster named Elmo. It all started at her first birthday when we did an Elmo theme. Well the other day at Wal-Mart I was looking for a new book for Sara and I found a really cute Elmo one. It was a pop-up book that also had the buttons on one side that when you push them it makes the said that correlate with the pages. Anyway, she loved pushing the buttons and listening to the music while we were in the store. There was shrink wrap around the book so you couldn't open the pages. So when we got home I took the wrapping off and read her the book. Then I gave her the book to play with because she has never torn any of our books. Well on the last page of the book is a pop-up of Zoe another monster friend of Elmo. Elmo is also on the page but he isn't a pop-up. Sara literally had the book out of my sight for two seconds and the next then I know she is brining my Zoe from out of the book. Of course, I tell her that was not nice and that she should not have done this. Well anyway, I think that she must have not liked her friend Elmo having another "girl" friend:) Zoe was the only one that got ripped out of the book.