Monday, August 25, 2008

Sara is 14 months

I saw this done on a friends blog and thought it would be cool to show Sara as a newborn and what she looks like know. She has definitely grown into her own little person.
The first picture was take only a few hours after Sara was born. The second picture is Sara on her first birthday.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Memory Tag

I saw this "tag" game on my friend Quinci's blog and thought it sounded like fun.

1. Add a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.

Visual DNA

I found this on Emilie's blog and thought it would be neat to try. It is surprisingly accurate. I agree that I do have a very masculine taste when it comes to home furniture. Mostly because I like things that are outdoorsy and remind me of living in the country (were I grew up). Anyway, I thought it was pretty cool. You can try it too at

Visual DNA


For a family home, your style is surprisingly masculine. Perhaps it's to do with the gadgets you own, though more likely about the choices you make when it comes to colour and functionality of design. Perhaps, however, your hectic lifestyle will add a softer edge to an otherwise quite orderly and disciplined aesthetic.

Living Room

Playboy, gent, aesthete - your living room is a shrine to bachelorism. The masculine look finds its apogee in the bachelor pad, and at the heart of every bachelor pad is the living space, with its sharp lines and a hedonistic approach to life that's all about having fun and very little to do with mundane chores. This is the lifestyle of a Gatsby or a 007, and the fact that both are fictional characters says it all: this look is about illusion and seduction and a dash of hustler chutzpah. This is a look that can't take clutter: rustic accessories can work surprisingly well, giving the room a rugged aesthetic -- it's the rough with the smooth, the grit to the mill. Earthy (but not sludgy) colours work well in both rural and urban settings, while modern floral prints add a smart, feminine touch. Curled up on the sofa with a good book, your living room's the perfect place for some "me-time".


Your bedroom has that classic look that never goes out of style. Sleep is fundamentally important to our well being. Clean, fresh air can truly aid sleep, but so, too, does a well-made bed and the best mattress you can afford. Touch is an important issue in the bedroom, from crisp, linen sheets to wool or even sheepskin underfoot. Elegance and relative simplicity are keynotes in your bedroom, using vibrant colours to make a bold statement.

Dining Room

You're a fuss-free entertainer, using good, honest ingredients. At home, natural, earthy colours and textures make dining a sensual occasion that connects the food on the plate back to nature. Eating is not just a basic need but a feast for the senses, and your sensitivity to light, colour, material and texture adds warmth to any environment. With a keen eye for the vernacular, you'll know that furniture and accessories need not have a designer label to give them real value. Indeed, English slipware, for example, has an intimate connection both with the past and with the simple pleasures of good, honest, no-nonsense food. When it comes to entertaining, you're pretty casual and relaxed.

Home Office

Only you could pull off the "utilitarian chic" look! Working from home is an increasingly popular solution to the challenge of bringing up a young family and making ends meet. A dedicated home office - even if it's just the corner of a room - will help keep you focused and separate work from hectic family life. By using materials such as slate and stone and keeping to a similar palette of colour, you will be able to easily integrate your office space with the rest of your home.

Kids' Room

Let a child's room reflect his or her personality -- not yours! If you have the space for a designated playroom, great. If not, then giving your kids the biggest bedroom can be a smart move, certainly once they're past the toddler stage: it gives them a designated space to play, enabling you to keep the rest of your home more, rather than less, how it used to be. Cheap and cheerful is ideal when it comes to most things in children's rooms: not only do kids grow fast, they also grow out of fads and phases at an amazing rate.


Keeping your home clutter-free can be difficult at times, but what's life without challenges? Creating boundaries and knowing when and when not to compromise will help you make the most of everything life has to offer

Friday, August 22, 2008

Pyzam Family Sticker Toy
Create your own family sticker graphic at

New to Blogger

Hi, everyone. I have so many friends that have blogspots and I have decided to follow the crowd. I hope that this will help me stay in touch with others better than I have been. Things are going well for our family. Josh is loving his job with the Lawrence PD. He has been on the force for one year now. Everyday he has plenty of stories to share. I am staying home with Sara and loving it. I do in-home daycare during the day so I enjoy my one on one time in the evening with Sara. She definitely looks forward to 5:30pm every day because she knows that it is her time with mommy. We really enjoy Saturday and Sunday mornings when the three of us get to spend time together with out anyone else's kids.